NetApp Support
In the following we present you the services you are able to use as a NetApp user.
If you have any specific questions related to your existing NetApp storage system, please contact us!
Please be sure that the serial number of the purchased device is registered correctly to receive support!
For the NetApp storage systems, we offer flexibly assembled service package, which can help to choose the appropriate response time parameters according to the criticality of the solution.
Our newly sold NetApp storage equipments have 3 years of base warranty. The base, or increased warranty services can be extended immediately for 5 years at the purchase or at their expiry until the end of their product cycle.
We provide our support and servicing together with the manufacturer on the basis of our ASP-Support Services Certified.
Base Warranty
By purchasing NetApp you receive the following base warranty services at no additional cost!
From the date of purchase for 36 months:
- 24/7 telephone and web (NetApp NOW) support: error reporting and knowledge base provided by our firm in Hungarian and English language.
- replacement parts warranty: arrives on the next business day, but technician help is not included
Important note: faulty HDD-s have to be sent back within 15 days! To avoid this obligation please order your configuration with ‘non-returnable disk’ option.
- full firmware version control???, and DataONTAP in case of controller!
- NetApp AutoSupport (activation is not required),
- Access to ‘MyAutoSupport’ portal (in case you activated AutoSupport)
- Use of Remote Support Diagnostic Tool (for FAS/V3x00 and 6x00 systems)
SupportEdge Standard
We offer the SE Standard service as the extension of the base warranty, which contains the following services:
We suggest that in case of important business systems use at least this level of support!
- SSP = full software version control (access to new versions, expansions of main versions) and technical support of these functions
- Optional services:
- Replacement parts delivery within 4 hours
- Providing of qualified technical staff for the replacement of parts within 4 hours or on the next business day (NBD)
- Initial installation
SupportEdge Premium
We suggest the high quality SupportEdge Premium service for NetApp storage systems which operate on important business environments.
The SE Premium support contains the following services (in addition to the base warranty and SE Standard):
- Providing replacement parts and qualified technical staff within 4 or 2 hours on the spot
- If needed, troubleshooting and problem solving on the spot
- Priority Case Management: shorter response time
- Optional: storage system availability audit: our system engineer analyses the data collected by the Autosupport, and on a quarterly basis interprets them on the spot if needed.
- Optional: hardware and software installation
- Assessment of location and preparation of installation
- Basic hardware installation (rack cabinets, physical location of devices, electric and network wiring)
- Configuration of NetApp storage (providing basic NAS or LUN access, configuration and authorization of licensed softwares)
- Testing of cluster system failover operation
Software support and subscription (SSP)
You are able to contract with us for the NetApp storages base and extended functions separately, but we suggest to use them in the framework of SupportEdge Standard or Premium! It is important that in case of troubleshooting of FCP and CIFS, for problem solving a validated SSP (or SupportEdge) contract is essential.
Remote diagnostic technologies
We provide numerous remote diagnostic technologies for the safe operation of your system, which can prevent errors, and foster effective, maximum device utilization.
AutoSupport: automated error- and status report
All NetApp storage systems have the ability of automated error- and status reports, called ‘AutoSupport’. The surveillance module of the storage can be turned on and off, and in online mode it is able to send alerts to our technicians, to your system administrators and to the support center of the manufacturer via internet in a safe way. This way sometimes the user have not experienced the error, when our technicians have already arrived and started proactive troubleshooting.
This way increasing the operational reliability of the system.
Storages send regular status reports, which help us to improve our support in terms of accuracy and promptness.
The abilities of AutoSupport are the base of advanced services like My AutoSupport.
A part of the base warranty service is a web based interface (My AutoSupport), which provides the following services for our clients:
- Visualization of NetApp storage environment at device- or at institutional level
- Historical visualisation of AutoSupport (call-home) actions and alerts history
- Analysis of capacity and storage (and/or savings) usage
- Performance analyses, graphs
- Threat, risk analysis
- Practical and theoretical configurations comparison and list of differences
- Firmware (Data ONTAP) upgrade simulation, creation of upgrade plan
My AutoSupport can be reached on the NetApp support website, so you do not have to install any softwares. You only have to enable the AutoSupport service.
Remote Support Diagnostic Tool
A helpful function can be reached in FAS/V3x00 and 6x00 series, which helps to upload the log and diagnostic files onto the manufacturer’s support system, and the NetApp technicians can effectively intervene remotely without onsite assistance.
It can control the AutoSupport function properly, so you can manage to eliminate manual e-mail sending between our customers and the support team.