Eötvös Lóránd University

During the cooperation with Eötvös Loránd University our company has supplied for the Institute a NetApp FAS 3040-es storage cluster which implemented the center data storage on a high availability. To date University improved the capacity of the cluster by 110 TB to be able to serve the continuously increasing demands and this way proved that the first choice was good. Improving in this case meant that an additional 6 shelf was built in next to the 7 which has worked before, from the time these were supplied in 2009. Now 182 HDDs operate in the cluster.
ANT Kft. (Ltd) was supplier of the University’s highlighted „virtualization” project which was finished by great efficiency. Our company as an advantaged business partner of Fujitsu Technology Solutions Kft (Ltd) and stated VMware professional partner transported rack-severs and virtusoftwares for the virtualization cloud. Our specially qualified engineers have taught the affected employees of the University after building up the system.
We collaborate with the institute on the field of IT security technology, we provide ALF firewall to safe the educational system. There was a significant transport when ELTE ordered the server type FTS RX900 with 8 processors. The Institute of Maths was the first in Hungary to purchase this type. We permanently provide servers, data storage solutions and kind of data saving answers, and ELTE is a pleased customer of all the connecting services of us also. We transported FTS and VMware products besides to Tripp Lite and APC type of uninterruptible power supply and Intel and SuperMicro servers to the institute.
Connecting publications and articles:
The value of the project: ~ 320 millió Ft