The first user of WAC system is the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics’s Market Price Information System

Our firm has won the opportunity to protect the web based PÁIR of AKII (Market Price Information System of the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics) system, which has the goal to collect and display online price information of domestic agricultural products.
This is one of the most visited sites of the agricultural sector. In addition to this according to the survey of BIZ Information it is the 49th in the list of the most visited site in Hungary. It has a daily average of 27000 visitors.


Szilveszter Palotai, IT manager of AKII (Research Institute of Agricultural Economics) added that the WAC has such security functions which support the security of business-critic PÁIR (Market Price Information System) to a great extent. It causes special satisfaction that a Hungarian-developed solution can be used for the protection of the Hungarian agricultural market price information.

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