Development of filter System for in-situ (localized) deep drilling in Geothermal and crude Oil Indusrty, by using innovative Laser Optical Technology
Aim of project:
The use of deep drilling technology is indispensable both for hydrocarbon production and for geothermal based applications to utilize and recover green energy.
Aside from the arising technical challenges, the variability and heterogeneity of the geologicalmatrices causes constantly arising difficulties during the application of continuous deepdrilling technology. This heterogeneity is caused by physical (eg. size, strength, porosity,cementation, structure, etc. of the constituent particles) or chemical (chemical andmineralogical composition of the granules, and the cementitious material) -typically occurwithin space even in a few millimeters - changes in the rocks to be drilled.
The operation of the wells designed by deep drilling is extremely influenced by the stabilityand fluid permeability of the wall, either exploitation of water or hydrocarbon or reinjection of thermal water is in the air.
The project is intended to develop a significant innovative so called in-situ (in the well, by using the rock components of the well's wall) - basicly suitable for producing glass coating by applying laser light - package of methods, which guarantees the well functioning operation without the bled of the rock particles from the wall.
At the same time we configure permeability in a rate specifically recquired by the medium body in the coating formed, it secures the expected intensity if fluidum flow between the well and the surroundings of that.
Our press releases:
- Kossuth Radio - (10. may 2013.)
Radio interview
- - (10.may 2013.)
Laser light underground
- Magyar Nemzet - business - Stock (10.may 2013.)
Laser ray for the crude oil
Our pertner in the project:
University of Szeged |
Details of the project:
Title of the project:
A method for developing filtration system by innovative laser optical technology to use in-situ in deep drilling for geothermal and oil industry
ID of the project:
Amount of grant:
646 560 000,- With the support of the European Union and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Name of recipients:
- Advanced Network Technologies Ltd. (Leader of the consortium)
- University of Szeged